December 21st marks the day the sun overcomes the darkness. Sure, the days are still short, but they're getting longer. The light always always comes back, and in the end, it always wins.
I created these pieces to symbolize rising out of the darkness to find peace and clarity. In Hindu philosophy it's believed our material universe is woven from three forces, or gunas, called tamas, rajas, and sattva. Tamas is what immobilizes us yet can be healing like bed rest, but when it becomes too dense it can make us dull, lethargic, and heavy. Rajas is energy to move and change for better or worse. It binds us to the fruits of our labors and forms our attachments, ie good in small doses. And finally, sattva is the light of conscious awareness, unveiling what is true by removing our perceptions. Our choices in life that bring about unselfish joy and elevate our awareness allow us to feel the beauty of sattva which is balance, good health, energy, and contentment. The rose gold colored mandalas in this drop symbolize our cultivation and awareness of sattva. Rajas and tamas have their place in the mix of our lives, but only with the nurturing of sattva are we able to return to purusha, our true self that never changes.
A portion of sales from the Sattva Drop are being donated to The Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement. SVYM in India provides healthcare to rural and indigenous tribal patients, soap and hygiene to communities and schools, support to women entrepreneurs, vocational skills for children and so much more.